Obtain financing without consuming bank risk by monetising your expected receivables in our Financial Market, agreeing discount prices with your customers or investors.
FinPay is a Trusted Payment Network, and therefore, that trust translates into self-regulation in the quality of customer payments.
Payment Orders are Irrevocable, therefore, of obligatory compliance. Thus, in the event of non-payment, the platform reacts by blocking the user who has made the non-payment and generating the necessary documentation for the claim.
Get financing without consuming bank risk by monetising your expected receivables in our Financial Market by agreeing discount prices with your customers.
In addition to financing with customers, FinPay can also finance with Qualified Investors operating in our Financial Marketplace. Access new external funding sources by agreeing discount pricing with Investors.
Contract a credit rating and/or risk mitigants for your company or for your customer portfolios. In this way you can increase access to external sources of finance and improve economic conditions.
RATINGS AND RISK MITIGANTS1. Select the outstanding receivables in your favour. All irrevocable payment orders in your favour that are valid in FinPay can be monetised.
2. Make Discount proposals to your Customers, or make these receivables available to Qualified Investors and obtain financing through non-recourse credit release.
3. Negotiate and agree discount rates for each transaction, and accept the best offer with one click, to have the cash resulting from the transaction immediately available to you.
Our platform allows you to anticipate collections on accepted invoices with your Customers or with Qualified Investors. However, are there alternatives when I want to monetise large invoice packages, and not all collections are on FinPay?
You can set up programmes for issuing Irrevocable Payment Orders when due, based on your global collection forecast.
Offer those Irrevocable Payment Orders to Qualified Investors on our Financial Marketplace, negotiate pricing, and obtain cash to cover your occasional funding needs. If you have Credit Ratings, or Risk Mitigants, your Irrevocable Payment Order programmes and issuance will be more attractive.
Your customer base is a great asset. FinPay helps you to get the maximum return.
Using irrevocable payment orders provides greater guarantees and security in the collections of your customers on our platform, which is why it is restricted to trusted users.
In the event of non-payment by a customer, Irrevocable Payment Orders allow you to claim through the courts. We will provide you with the necessary documents and block the customer's transaction.
Our irrevocable payment order system is similar to factoring. It allows a credit assignment to Qualified Investors, so we are independent of the traditional financial system, without risk consumption.
Thanks to the restricted configuration of our platform, users are part of a high quality business network and have a rating on their operations, making them more attractive to Independent Investors.
A high quality of business, a top-tier user network, and a high rating of your trades among Investors, means you can have alternative financing available at the prices you agree, whenever you need it.
FinPay's core value is to empower you and your customers or investors to determine the pricing for discounted trades. The alternative is a system that sets prices and risk premiums.
CONSULT OUR RATESReturn on assets is very important for Qualified Investors, and market alternatives in the short term are few and occasionally costly.
A Trusted Payment Network like FinPay, with verified users, quality business and sustained by Irrevocable Payment Orders, offers great possibilities, absolute transparency and high security.
FinPay provides a Market Investor on its platform, where the Investor will be able to access offers by assignment of portfolios of first level clients, and optimise their treasury positions on a recurring basis, negotiating prices with the user.