FinPay Electronic Money Entity S.A.U.

N.6718 Bank of Spain Entities Registry

Electronic Money for Efficient and Secure Transactions between Companies

Evolve your business relationships by adopting customized payment infrastructures and get the most out of your transactions thanks to the immediacy, traceability and security of our business solutions.

FinPay EDE S.A.U. is registered under number 6718 in the Bank of Spain's Register of Entities. It is a regulated and supervised entity that provides innovative financial solutions to today's business needs.

To guarantee security, traceability and reliability in all transactions we use Electronic Money, complying with the normative and regulatory requirements and demanded by Spanish and European regulations.

We provide solutions to today's business needs, offer advantages in operating costs, real-time payments, international, without limitations of amount and multicurrency.

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What is an EDE?

Electronic money institutions are legal entities authorized to issue electronic money, understood as such any monetary value stored by electronic or magnetic means that represents a credit on the issuer, that is issued upon receipt of funds for the purpose of carrying out payment operations and that is accepted by a legal person other than the issuer of electronic money. Electronic money institutions may also provide payment services not related to the issuance of the money.

FinPay EDE S.A.U. has the authorization granted by the Bank of Spain, in response to the trust granted by the regulator to our customers in the Business sector.

Why use an EDE?

1. Efficiency: Electronic money is a financial instrument that the user can use as a digital payment equivalent of a certain legal tender. Its use provides added value to the user, because it allows payments to be made instantly, securely and at no cost.

2. Security: We are regulated and supervised by the Bank of Spain. The regulatory regime is included in Law 21/2011, of July 26, on electronic money, modified by Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of November 23, on payment services and other urgent measures in financial matters, and its development regulation approved by Royal Decree 778/2012, of May 4, on the legal regime of electronic money entities.

3. Training: Our Board of Directors is formed by people of recognized commercial and professional honor, has the appropriate knowledge and experience to develop their functions, and with the willingness to exercise good governance of the entity. All directors are registered in the Register of Senior Officials of the Bank of Spain.

Evolve B2B relationships?

We provide the necessary capabilities to evolve the concept of payment to third parties, an innovative environment in the relationships between business ecosystems, and the means to extend them to your entire supply chain.

We offer the possibility of improving the customer experience in your B2B business relationship, providing great tangible added value by improving your operating costs, and intangible for security, transparency and traceability as a feature that will allow you to strengthen your business strategy.

We have a secure and regulated environment for companies, where we can maximize commercial agreements between suppliers and customers, thanks to the certainty and trust of our transactional ecosystem.

Why use FinPay?

FinPay Entidad de Dinero Electrónico S.A.U. has the service of issuing electronic money and processing secure payments efficiently by having its own infrastructure. It provides integration via API for simple and secure connectivity, providing companies with high-value financial capabilities.

Efficient Payments

Payments in real time, without limit in amount, multicurrency and operational in different countries

Traceability and Transparency

Prevention of Money Laundering as required by authorities at European level

Security and Monitoring

Safeguarding assets in accordance with article 8.3 of Law 21/2011

Funds Safeguarding Policy

In compliance with current regulations, the Entity has established the following policy which sets out the measures for safeguarding customer funds, thus guaranteeing the security and integrity of its customers' assets.

Funds Safeguarding Policy

Ethical Channel

The Entity has a Code of Ethics or Conduct to which all employees, managers, customers, suppliers and third parties that are related to the Entity are subject.

The objective of this document is to act as a preventive and reducing tool against possible inappropriate or uncivil behavior of all those who participate directly or indirectly in the ordinary activity of FinPay.

Finpay has a Complaints Channel to which all those who detect a possible regulatory breach or behavior that does not conform to the ethical values established by the Entity can contact.

Code of Ethics Complaints Channel

Customer Servicee

The purpose of the approval of these Regulations for the Defense of the Client is to give adequate compliance with the rules of protection to the client of financial services contained in Chapter V of Law 44/2002, of November 22 and in Order ECO/734/2004, of March 11, and, in particular, with the provisions of Article 8 of the Order.

This Regulation is also part of the general policy of customer protection of FINPAY, ENTIDAD DE DINERO ELECTRÓNICO, S.A., establishing the means, bodies and procedures necessary to guarantee adequate protection of the right of customers to have their complaints and claims dealt with and resolved.


How can we help you?

Please contact us with any questions you may have. Our sales team will get back to you within 24 hours.

Paseo de la Castellana 126, 8D CP:28046 (Madrid)


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